February 2025

In 1984 Tina Turner released “What’s Love Got to Do with It” which would eventually become her biggest selling single. But what does love got to do with anything? If you are like me and go to the store much then you know that love has a whole lot to do with it, at least in the eyes of the corporations trying to make a profit off love each Valentine’s Day. But seriously, what does love got to do with anything?
In answer to this question all we have to do is look at history. Love for others has sparked more non-violent protests that have changed the world. Just ask those who were marginalized that have been affected by the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and you will see the difference. Love for others has prompted many American families to consider adoption or foster care for children whose previous circumstances were not good ones. Love has also led many millions of Americans to donate both their time and wealth through charitable organizations such as the Red Cross and others as a means of helping those in need. But love, love in all its glory was reflected the clearest when Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins.
Each Valentine’s Day us men do our best to find just the right card, gift, or both to who our love for our spouses. Sometimes it’s a daunting task and yet we take it up year after year because to do so is not only good for our health, but it also shows our spouse how much we love them. The Bible is God’s love letter to you which shows from the beginning God’s love in creation, the promise of a Redeemer after the Fall, and the fulfillment of that love on the Cross as the nails pierced the hands and feet of Jesus. As Chris Tomlin sings, At the Cross (love ran red). Indeed, it did and it is through this love found in the gospels that lives are changed.
So, in conclusion, to answer Tina Turner’s question of what does love have to do with it. The answer is—everything. We at Mt. Holly want you to know of the Saviors’ love for you. A love so strong and compelling that He went to the cross to pay a debt that you owed but had no way of paying. And through His death, burial, and resurrection—the acceptance of the fact that you are a sinner in need of a Savior–