Mt. Holly Baptist Church

Our Vision

Glorifying Jesus, Growing in Grace, Going by Faith

We were created to glorify Jesus. In other words, we are to show Him off through are worship and life-style. Second, we understand that salvation, ministries, our lives flow from the underserved favor of God upon us. 

“There is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us less” (Jerry Bridges). 

Grace is God’s act of working in us and through us for His glory. Grace gives God all the credit and glory for each aspect of our lives. Third, the clear mandate is that we are to live by faith. Only a life of faith pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). As we journey through life we trust God in our witness, giving, and ministry.

Our Mission

Making disciples to reach generations for Jesus’ glory.

The “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:18-20) mandates the church to “make disciples.” Disciples are learners, followers, and students of Jesus. Disciple making through Mt. Holly is experienced through the preaching of the expository preaching of the living Word of God, Bible study, fellowship and prayer, and through missions and ministries.  The Bible exhorts the believer to be an ambassador for Christ and His kingdom. The Christian has the ministry of reconciliation as the Apostle Paul instructed in II Corinthians 5:17f. 

At Mt. Holly, this mission is best displayed in our communities, where we daily have the opportunity of living out the Gospel to those around us. When followers of Jesus leave their homes, they enter the mission field. In addition, the Holy Spirit gifts followers so they can effectively shine their light before others so they can see their good works which glorifies the Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). 

Our Vision and Mission bring people to Reconcile with God and Others

Reconciliation with God

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him (John Piper).  Reconciliation with God creates a complete satisfaction in life. Jesus taught the lady at the well as recorded in John 4, drink from this well and you will continually be thirsty. But drink from Me and your thirst will be quenched or satisfied. Our sinful nature drinks from the world’s wells to find peace, hope, joy, and love. Like the lady in John 4, she could not find these jewels of life from the five men she thought she loved. These eternal gems are only found in our redemptive life in Jesus Christ who we have been reconciled.

Reconciliation with Others

Humility before God is absent unless we have humility towards one another (Andrew Murray – “Humility.” If we don’t love one another, we can’t say we love God . The “Great Commandment” Jesus gave His disciples was to love one another to prove that they were His disciples (John 13).  Jesus is emphatic that a Christian is to forgive (Matthew 6). Sadly, unforgiveness is the cancer of the church today. 

At Mt. Holly, we strive to love each other unconditionally. To show grace to each other just as Jesus displayed His grace towards us. We realize our sinfulness; thus, we realize the greatness of God’s amazing grace. The healing balm for the cancer of unforgiveness within the church is applying grace to one another.

The Mt. Holly Family

Mt. Holly established officially in 1833 has a rich history of her pastors holding fast the Word of God. Over her years numerous individuals came into a relationship with Jesus and many grew in faith to become loyal servants of the Lord. Not only did the congregation increase, but the church facilities expanded as well. In 2012, the church dedicated their new contemporary fellowship hall. The Bible, worship, and reaching others with the gospel, the good news, has been a high-water mark of the church. Even though the church is 185 years old, Mt. Holly is striving to reach generations for the glory of Jesus. Like in her history, all are welcomed to worship with us.

Worship Experience

Sunday Morning Worship

The hour and fifteen-minute worship service focus is on uplifting the name of our Lord – Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through readings from both the Old and New Testaments. There will be prayers and praises uplifted to our Lord who holds each life in His sovereign hands.  We lift our voices in song through the good ‘old hymns’ and contemporary praise music. There is a children’s time during worship and then they exit for Children’s Church. All sermons flow from the inerrant Word of God. Sermons range from 35 to 45 minutes and you have a sermon outline to follow. The worship attire is ranges from blue jeans to some wearing ties. The Mt. Holly fellowship invites you to worship with us.

Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to meeting you soon!

What We Believe

Our Beliefs

Baptist Faith and Message 2000 of the Southern Baptist Convention

Mt. Holly is linked with and supports the work of the Southern Baptists through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. Along with approximately 47,000 other Southern Baptist Churches, we support the following ministries through our giving . . .

  • Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia, 
  • International Mission Board,  
  • North American Mission Board, 
  • Seven Southern Baptist Seminaries as well . . .

Southern Seminary in Louisville, KY
Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC
Southwestern Seminary in Dallas, TX
Midwestern Seminary in Kanas City, MO
Gateway Seminary in Ontario, CA
New Orleans Seminary in New Orleans, LA
Liberty Seminary in Lynchburg, VA

In addition to our support of our convention’s missions, Mt. Holly missions include local, national, and global opportunities apart from SBC missions. I.E. – Samaritan Christmas Shoe Box Ministry

Our Staff

Pastor: Pastor Travis Hoke


Let me begin by first saying how excited my family and I are to be the Pastor and Pastor’s family at Mount Holly Baptist Church. I wanted to write a brief little snippet about myself so that you as a church family can get to know me better as I get to know you better as well. I was born and raised in Covington, VA where I spent most of my early life. I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 10 in my local church. After High School I attended Old Dominion University where I majored in Criminal Justice and minored in Psychology. At the age of 26 I moved to Roanoke VA where I had accepted a management position in Loss Prevention at Wal-Mart. It was there at the local church I attended where I met by beautiful wife Kimberlee Hoke and after getting married a few years later I learned that God had different plans for our lives, We then accepted the Lord’s call to vocational ministry and moved to the campus of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. There I completed my master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry, and it was also there that our first son Ethan was born in 2013. After graduation in 2016 God provided us with two more surprises, one was the call to Pastor Magnolia Baptist Church in Stedman, NC and the other was the birth of our second son Elias. God still sees fit to challenge us but also provides significant blessings along the way to help us better serve Him. In the Fall of 2021 I began my studies in the PhD program at Southeastern with my major focus being Public Theology. This has been a great blessing to me, and a challenge, but I look forward to seeing how God will use this to further His Kingdom. We were also blessed to be allowed to move back to the great state of Virginia and closer to family through the call to Pastor Mount Holly Baptist Church. We are excited to be a part of this impressive church body and we cannot wait to see what the Lord will do in and through all of us there.

Best Regards, 

Pastor Travis Hoke